Форум » Орхидеи со всего света » 23-25 марта ЕОС, Париж 2018.(European Orchid Council Conference and Exhibition, Paris, 2018). » Ответить

23-25 марта ЕОС, Париж 2018.(European Orchid Council Conference and Exhibition, Paris, 2018).

Irene: Конференция и выставка Совета Европы по орхидеям (EOCCE) проводится примерно раз в три года. Конгрессы и выставки организуются одним из членов EOC. 18-я Европейская конференция и выставка Совета орхидей будет проходить в Париже 23-25 марта. https://eocce2018.com/ Копирую письмо : "Dear Orchidologist, responsible of orchid society, one of the main European events in orchids will be the next European Orchid Council Conference and Exhibition (see the web site https://eocce2018.com), to be held in Paris, France, in March 23-25, 2018. On behalf of the Organizing Committee for the scientific conference "What future for orchids?" I am pleased to attach general information on the meeting and call for communication. I hope numerous members of your orchid society will attend the exhibition and also the conference. I would like you inform your members for this event; some of them can also submit a communication for the conference (see the attached file that can be transmitted to anyone who might be intersted). A field trip in southern France will take place after the conference. You will find information for registration and later the full program of the conference at https://eocce2018.com/conferences. Best regards" Daniel Prat -- Visit the free web site http://www.orchisauvage.fr and share your observations on the native orchids of France by entering them on this secure site; the site is now open in several languages. Prof. Daniel PRAT French Orchid Society Université Claude Bernard - Lyon 1 UMR CNRS 5023 Laboratoire d'Ecologie des Hydrosystèmes Naturels et Anthropisés (http://umr5023.univ-lyon1.fr) Bât F.A. Forel, 6 rue Raphaël Dubois 69622 VILLEURBANNE CEDEX (France) Licence professionnelle "Biotechnologies végétales et création variétale" (http://lpbioveget.univ-lyon1.fr)

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